Summer Squares

I have not been sewing too much lately.  Mainly because the kids are wearing me out!!!  They don't really nap anymore and with them home all day every day I use what little time they are occupied to try to keep the house in order.  By the time they go to bed, which seems to stretch later each night with the increase in daylight, I am too exhausted to even walk upstairs to my sewing room, much less get to work.  Last night I just really need to sew but I didn't want to tackle anything too challenging.  Luckily I saw this post on Crazy Mom Quilts yesterday.

These fun colors were just what I needed and it was the perfect amount of time for me last night, too.

What am I so busy doing with my kids, you might ask?  Well considering it has rained almost everyday since pre-school let out you might think we've been outside.  Not the case:

They did have pants and shoes at some point in the adventure.  Naturally, they ended up in underwear.

Once they had their fill of dancing and splashing, I added some buckets and pitchers to stretch the fun out a little more.  This lasted a total of nearly three hours (bonus - I have a fairly clean garage now)!  It never fails to amaze me what activities will keep them interested the longest!

Yesterday we took the light rail into uptown Charlotte to visit Discovery Place.  We have not been since our last visit during their renovation.  It was kind of a bummer because so much was closed.  I was so happy to see the preschool room open again.  So much to see and do!

One of our favorite activities was a light table with magnetic tiles in a rainbow of colors.  At first we tried to build in 3D with them, but soon found the magic was really in keeping them flat.

Yes, 2D.  Look interesting to you?

Jack figured it out pretty quick.  It's like making a quilt!

Glad they were happy to play at this table for a long time, because I had at least as much fun as them.  Now, to figure out where to buy these tiles, and more importantly, make a light table!

This is what my porch looks like right now.  My neglected Handstitched Camp project just waiting for me to come out and work on it.  It is hard to sew on the porch while the kids are playing in the backyard.  They still just need so much attention.  Oh, well - it will get finished someday!

Am I the only one having a tough time fitting sewing in during an action packed summer?  If you have any tips I would love to hear them!


  1. Oh man, I'm having trouble fitting in sewing too, and my kids are much older than yours! Mine are 16, 13 and 10! Sure they don't need me as much, but I still find that summer keeps me really busy. Thank goodness it stays lighter longer!

  2. I think summer is for livin' not bloggin'! I was feeling this pressure to blog and kind of will in July with all the shorts on the line, but right now I'm just taking it easy and trying to not keep up with the joneses! :) Get some you time, but don't feel bad. The blog will always be there!

  3. are definitely not the only one! I have had such a hard time finding time as my kids need attention too and they've been sick...needless to say I totally agree about being completely and utterly exhausted by the end of the night. I was hoping that hand stitched camp would help but now I am too exhausted to learn anything new. :) Hope that your summer finds more time for sewing...

  4. Ooh your kids look like they are having a ton of fun. We have a light table and tiles but they were a gift. Maybe check the artful parent blog (i think they use one?). Also love the sneak peek of your handstitched project. I have yet to check into class-- such a delinquent student-- but newborn baby duty calls :) (yes I was overly optimistic about her sleep)!


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