PLPS5 Progress

I was starting to fear my partner would think I had forgotten to make her a pouch.  I was just waiting for a good idea and I finally got one last night and was able to execute today while Will was in pre-school.  I remembered I had a little Tula Pink charm pack & was happy to see it matched my Heather Ross mermaids.

This is the start of my Pretty {little} Pouch Swap 5 project.  I think I got most of what my partner suggested on her wish list, now I just need to embellish with a little hand stitching and get it together.  These things make me a little nervous.  Do I add too much of what I like in there?  It's hard not to, but I'm really hoping this is also something she will love!

xoxox, Courtney


  1. Oh gosh- it is fabulous! I am sure she will love it- how could she not?!

  2. this is so fantastic. i really hope i'm your partner!!!!

  3. These are great! They will make an awesome pouch!

  4. These are SO gorgeous! I love them. I'd do some hand stitching in the pink and gold in the linen sections. But that's just me!


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